Monday 17 October 2016

Get Lean Body With This 6-Week Plan


The diet was created by a scrawny amateur boxer turned fitness guru, Author Bruce Krahn, who wrote the “Lean Belly Breakthrough“. During his fitness journey he discovered that the majority of modern diets have been tailored for women; which alone defeated the purpose of a man being on a diet. Not only did he find that men lose testosterone, but in turn become fat and weak as a result of dropping testosterone levels. All while their bodies natural fat burning abilities begin to suffer as well.

In the book, Chad shows you how to increase testosterone and simultaneously burn fat without sacrificing lean muscle. Increasing energy levels as a positive side effect. It shows men who are experiencing a lack energy, poor quality sleepy, and a low sex drive the path to stronger health. “Lean Belly Breakthrough” is one of very books that actually teaches you the blueprint, on how to utilize a lifestyle and diet tailored specifically for men. Most notably, how to regulate your testosterone and finally achieve the dream physique that you’ve always wanted. It goes against what most popular diets recommend and dispels the diet myths that have been perpetuated upon the modern man.
The book includes the Actual Diet Guide, Lean Belly Breakthrough Meal Log, and Lean Belly Breakthrough Cheaters Guide, A Quick start Guide, The Supplement Guide and Unlimited Updates for Life! The diet guide includes the food that men actually like to eat, by listing all the right calories, healthy fatty foods, red meats, and carbs. The meal log, actually gives you the ability to print out a sheet and choose what to eat depending on the time of day. The cheaters guide actually shows you how to structure your cheat meals, while improving your results. And the quick start guide will immediately teach you how adapt the “Lean Belly Breakthrough” into your life. As an added bonus, the supplement guide will tell you what supplements your body actually needs versus the ones that are virtually useless. For those men who are seeking faster results.

A big advantage of “Lean Belly Breakthrough” is that it was written by a man to be followed by men only. Chad certainly has the physique to back up his fitness and lifestyle teachings. It works for all guys between 16 to 120. There is no calorie counting and starvation periods to go through. No-low carb, no low-fat foods, the diet is enjoyable. The cheaters guide even includes ice cream! Believe it or not. The book is easy to follow and it’s a quick kitchen trip when preparing your meals for the week. All of the food is geared towards the male palate. It is very easy to follow as the meal log helps you organize your food for the week. As soon as you get the book, you can hit the quick start guide if you’d like to get started right away.

The inclusion of a supplement guide makes the book pay for itself, as he lists all the right ones to take and speed up the process of muscle building. It was created with athletes and bodybuilders in mind, however all men can benefit from a better and stronger body. The easy lifestyle changes that Chad promotes can lead to having a profound effect on training, fat loss, muscle building, boosted energy levels and even looks. Which I’m sure the ladies can appreciate. “Lean Belly Breakthrough” is also very enjoyable to read, it comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. Best of all, you will shed body fat on this diet. Apparently the majority of men who start, will see results in a little as two weeks.
The only drawbacks of the book are as follows. If you dislike reading digital books then you might have difficulty reading this one, since it doesn’t come in a hardcover. Only in a downloadable e-book format. There is also a deficiency of audio or video files. It is not a crash diet, so don’t expect a quick fix. A bit of work is involved. Forewarning, for men who suffer from high cholesterol and are wary of dietary fat, they would have to seek a different diet. As this diet will most likely be hazardous to their health. “Lean Belly Breakthrough” is for men only, as it was not written with women in mind. Bad news if you are on a vegan or vegetarian diet as there is no form of adapting it to your needs in any way shape or form. It also concentrates more on diet than fitness workouts. You might need a trainer if you’re looking to take your body to the next level. As dieting will not suffice.

“Lean Belly Breakthrough” overall shows guys how to customize delicious food to men’s lifestyles. And how they can stop counting calories. The simple cookbook teaches you how to prepare and sustain the diet. By showing men how to cheat and eat the things they want, all while enhancing their body. Ensuring that their bodies get the best nutrition it needs to ingest. It provides a simple method of burning fat, increasing testosterone, and accelerating muscle gains. As well as boosting the male sex drive. The biggest advantage of book is that is only for men. You don’t have worry about your meals being fulfilling or lacking in taste and variety. Why not enjoy red meat and healthy fatty foods? Our ancestors did.

With all the right calories that you will learn to eat, who wants to eat a dry salad every day? The program is geared towards the maintenance and daily building of testosterone. The number one hormone that distinguishes the boys from the men. There hasn’t been so much hype around a diet since the bodybuilding days of Arnold Schwarzenegger. As I’m sure he would be interested. If you’re a man that is looking to just lose weight this book is for you. Or even if you just need a little pep in your step, this book will work wonders for you. As I’m sure any man would benefit from the positive effects of elevated testosterone production. If you’re looking for a true and tested methodology “Lean Belly Breakthrough” is certainly a contender.

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